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WorkReady BOOST

"For many young people, the introduction to the world of work can set the tone for the rest of their lives. WorkReady offers young people the chance to work in many different career fields in order to develop the critical skills necessary to grow in an increasingly competitive economy."

Wendy-Anne Roberts-Johnson 
President + CEO | Philadelphia Youth Network

WorkReady - BOOST
Blueprint for Occupational Opportunities, Success, and Training


WorkReady - BOOST offers year-round career development opportunitiesfor Philadelphia Youth from 12 - 24 years old!

Welcome to WorkReady BOOST (Blueprint for Occupational Opportunities, Success, and Training), a groundbreaking, year-round career development program led by the Philadelphia Youth Network (PYN) in collaboration with our community youth employment partners. WorkReady BOOST is more than just a program—it's a blueprint for empowering youth to achieve their full potential in the workforce! 

WorkReady BOOST takes a holistic approach to career development, providing participants with a continuum of experiences that foster awareness, exploration, preparation, and immersion in various career pathways. 

Our Approach

Through hands-on experiences, workshops, and mentorship opportunities, participants gain valuable insights and practical knowledge that prepare them for success in their chosen careers.

Key Components

Throughout the program, participants have the opportunity to set goals, develop plans, and expand their understanding of potential career paths. 

Career Readiness Progress and Growth

  • What to Expect:
    WorkReady BOOST is designed to provide comprehensive career development training through guided curriculum and paid jobsite placements across a variety of career sectors. In addition to opportunities for paid work, program providers will offer targeted career coaching, financial literacy modules, resume workshops, field trips, industry tours and more!  

  • The WorkReady BOOST Experiences

    • 6-12 week career development  hosted at partner organizations and worksites across Philadelphia. 
    • 120 Hours of paid career readiness training - split between classroom and jobsite days. 
    • $11/hr starting wage. 
    • Intermittent classroom and on-site professional development training, industry tours, guest speakers, site visits and more. 

    • Wrap-around support services and mentorship.  

  • Who is Eligible: 

    • Any young person currently enrolled in a Philadelphia High school will be considered for a WorkReady BOOST opportunity. 


Explore the current list of 2025 WorkReady BOOST Summer Jobs:

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